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From 1612 to 1619.The Catholics, on the other hand, presented a list of their grievances, which consisted, mainly, in album page photo pic privileges granted the Protestants, which they also demanded to have redressed before they could vote any supplies to the emperor.There are no energies so potent as those which are aroused by religious convictions.The troops of Ferdinand found opponents in every album page photo pic pass and in every defile, and in their endeavor to force their way through the fastnesses of the mountains, were frequently driven back with great loss.Matthias was old, sick and childless.The Count of Thurn, as prudent as he was bold, as deliberate as he was energetic, aware of the fearful hazard of entering into hostilities with the sovereign who was at the same time king of album page photo pic all the Austrian realms, and Emperor of Germany, conferred with the leading Protestant princes, and organized a confederacy so strong that all the energies of the empire could with difficulty crush it.The palace at Vienna was shrouded in gloom, and no smiles were seen there, and no sounds of joy were heard in those regal saloons.Everywhere was heard the clashing of arms, and every thing indicated the immediate outburst of album page photo pic civil war.He might have escaped all these calamities if, instead of resigning himself to corrupt and interested ministers, he had followed the salutary counsels of the electors.The Catholics now appealed to Matthias, and he insanely revived the ban against the Protestants, and commissioned Albert, Archduke of Cologne, a bigoted Catholic, to march with an army album page photo pic to Aix la Chapelle and enforce its execution.
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