China energy resources
We have just been thinking mainly about the relation of words to one another in a sentence.Similarly a careful china energy resources distinction between the diction of prose and verse was gradually obliterated.The written language is apt to establish certain canons which the people do not observe.If you wished to say that something happened in Asia, it would china energy resources not suffice to use the simple ablative, because that form would have the same pronunciation as the nominative or the accusative, Asia(m), but the preposition must be prefixed, in Asia.Since final m was lost in pronunciation, Asia might be nominative, accusative, or ablative.The writer of comedy or farce, the humorist, china energy resources and the man in the street do not feel the constraint which the canons of good usage put on the serious writer.It was naturally much smaller than that of cultivated people.For china energy resources instance, we avoid hybrid compounds of Greek and Latin elements in the serious writing of English.The second important factor which affects the spoken language is a difference in culture and training.The very nature of the accent probably differed in the two forms china energy resources of St.Now, strangely enough, no sooner had china energy resources the literary medium of expression slowly and painfully disassociated itself from the language of the common people than influences which it could not resist brought it down again to the level of its humbler brother.
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