Exotic black models
Although his army was very much smaller than that of the Russians, he immediately set out on his march to Narva but, instead of moving along the regular roads, and so falling into the ambuscade which the Russians had laid for him, he turned off into back and circuitous by ways, so as to avoid the snare altogether.Narva was a port on exotic black models the Baltic the situation of it, as well as that of the other places mentioned in this chapter, is seen by the adjoining map, which shows the general features of the Russian and Swedish frontier as it existed at that time.Thus the whole system was remodeled, and made far more efficient than it ever had been before.Besides those who were killed, immense numbers exotic black models were taken prisoners.The news, too, of this war occasioned great dissatisfaction among the governments of western Europe.The advanced posts were driven in, and the Swedes pressed exotic black models on, the Russians flying before them, and carrying confusion to the posts in the rear.In constructing the fortifications, for example, which, in the first instance, were made of earth, it was necessary to dig deep ditches and to raise great embankments.This building was afterward preserved a long time with great care, as a precious relic and souvenir of exotic black models the foundation of the city.Peter required the people to change this dress and he sent patterns of the coats worn in western Europe to all parts of the country, and had them put up in conspicuous places, where every body could see them, and required every body to imitate them.The others exotic black models were rowed back with all speed to the ships, and then the ships withdrew.At a little distance from the shore is a large lake, called the Lake of Ladoga.Peter examined the whole region with great care, and came decidedly to the conclusion that he would make exotic black models the spot the site of a great city.Still, they did not dare to do otherwise than to obey the emperor's summons.The boyars were exotic black models not at all pleased with this summons.
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