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For these woes, which no imagination can gauge, Louis XIV.All along the valley calorie counter australian of the Danube the population fled in terror before the advance of the Turks.Charles II.CHAPTER calorie counter australian XXI.Charles XII.He was, however, so moved to despair by the sight, that he sent a challenge to Turenne to calorie counter australian meet him in single combat.But, to his bitter disappointment, he found no army, and the bridge unfinished.But the Hungarians were no longer to be deceived by his calorie counter australian perfidious promises.He even sent a courier to the emperor, announcing his determination to decide in favor of the Austrian claimant.He accordingly sent an embassage to the pontiff with a letter calorie counter australian soliciting counsel.Appeal to the Pope.His war steed pranced proudly as if conscious of the royal burden he bore, and of the calorie counter australian victories he had achieved.William died on the 16th of March, in consequence of a fall from his horse, and was succeeded by Anne, daughter of James II.
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