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9.Pursue steadily eros yarn scarf pattern the great objects which demand the teacher's attention they are simple and few.It may belong to him because he bought it and paid for it, or it may belong to him because it fits him, and he wears it.All will admit that it is highly eros yarn scarf pattern important that every school should be simple in its plan, as simple as its size and general circumstances will permit, and especially, that the public schools in every town and village of our country should never lose sight of what is, and must be, after all, their great design teaching the whole population to read, write, and calculate.How absurd! As if to make a good text book, it was not as necessary to adapt it to teachers as to scholars.The history of a vast multitude of textbooks, eros yarn scarf pattern Arithmetics, Geographies, and Grammars, is this.Suppose it was his own hat, would he have been right? Has a boy a right to do what he pleases with his own hat? Yes sir, Yes sir, No sir, No sir, answered the boys confusedly.There is not in fact a single boy in this school who has a eros yarn scarf pattern hat of his own.There is one topic connected with the subject of this chapter, which deserves a few paragraphs.There are differences between eros yarn scarf pattern these various modes of organization which I shall not now stop to examine, as it will be sufficiently correct for my purpose to consider them all as only various ways of organizing the employers, in the contract, by which the teacher is employed.Many teachers seem to imagine, that if any thing is in itself important, and especially if it is an important branch of education, the question is settled of its being a proper object of attention in school.How much more service to the cause of education, have Professors Cleaveland and Silliman rendered by falling in with the eros yarn scarf pattern regularly organized institutions of the country, and elevating them, than if in early life, they had given themselves to some magnificent project of an establishment, to which their talents would unquestionably have given temporary success, but which would have taken them away from the community of teachers, and confined the results of their labors to the more immediate effects which their daily duties might produce.
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