Belgium new way
Nay, matters came to such a pass that even my rivals denied that they had had anything to do with the matter, and as for the legate, he publicly denounced the malice with which the French had acted.As a result, I returned thither frequently, to be of belgium new way service to them in whatsoever way I could.Furthermore, they threatened me with excommunication unless I should instantly return likewise they forbade the prior with whom I had taken refuge to keep me longer, under pain of sharing my excommunication.We strove to extinguish his fame, and we have but given it new belgium new way brightness.Here, however, I found almost as many enemies as I had in the former days of which I have already spoken, for the vileness and shamelessness of their way of living made them realize that they would again have to endure my censure.Through the senses, says Jerome, as through so many windows, do vices win entrance belgium new way to the soul.Here, as befitted my profession, I devoted myself chiefly to lectures on theology, but I did not wholly abandon the teaching of the secular arts, to which I was more accustomed, and which was particularly demanded of me.Secretly my rivals complained and lamented one to another, belgium new way saying Behold now, the whole world runs after him, and our persecution of him has done nought save to increase his glory.One of the monks went so far as to ask me brazenly which of the two, Bede or Hilduin, I considered the better authority on this point.Thereupon, as if I had been a belgium new way convicted criminal, I was handed over to the Abbot of St.Thereupon the archbishop arose and confirmed the legate's statement, but changed the wording thereof, as indeed was most fitting.Those who sought to belittle me in every possible way took advantage of my absence to bring two principal charges against me first, that it was contrary to the monastic profession to be concerned with the study of secular books and, second, that I had presumed to teach theology without ever belgium new way having been taught therein myself.
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