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But the theory of Evolution will remain unintelligible until science can trace the cause of that innate tendency to vary which exists in every stage of all living forms., those characters which masked rider black rx were potentially contained in the structure of the germ plasm.If we remember that nature is always consistent, that her laws are uniform and that whatever exists in the microcosm exists also in the macrocosm, and then study nature, we shall find that all the germs of life which exist in the universe are bound to pass through stages resembling the embryonic types before they can appear in the form of man.Those who wish to satisfy the idle curiosity of their minds may masked rider black rx spend their energy by trying to recollect their past lives.Weismann's explanation that the parents are not the creators of the germs but, on the contrary, that the germs existed before the birth of the body, before the growth of the body, in previous generations, or in the common stock of the universe.We cannot say that masked rider black rx a theory is complete because it explains many facts.Another consideration is that the beginning, ending and continuing are conceptions of the human mind their significance depends entirely upon our conception of time.The Vedanta philosophy, however, masked rider black rx has already explained the cause of the potentiality in the germ of life or germ plasm or germ cell.If we admit this grand truth of nature, then it will not be difficult to explain by the theory of Evolution the gradual manifestation of the higher nature of man.The memory of particular events is masked rider black rx not so important.
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