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There remained their uneasiness about their forces on land.He could, however, neither justify nor qualify the other measures.In spite of his repeated declarations that alfa chip diesel tuning uk under no circumstances would Greece take up a hostile attitude, the King was credited with a treacherous design to mass in Thessaly 80,000 men, lay up munitions and provisions, wait until the Allied Army should march on Monastir, and then attack it from behind.Greece was summoned, within twenty four hours, to disarm her big ships, to hand over to him all her light ships intact, and to disarm all her coast batteries, except three which were to be occupied by the Allies.116 alfa chip diesel tuning uk.Each of his actions, as illuminated by his past, was a step to an end and he has himself defined that end.Cp alfa chip diesel tuning uk.It was the execution of the plan which the admirals assembled at Malta had repelled in March, 1916.Guillemin, who was at last received by alfa chip diesel tuning uk the King.14 16.An extension alfa chip diesel tuning uk of his movement could only be effected by overwhelming force, and as M.France, by the mouth of M.Venizelos applied to the Entente Powers for official alfa chip diesel tuning uk recognition of his Provisional Government.Mermeix, Le Commandement Unique, Part II, p.
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