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I only cared to study and to dream.Now I too Command him to return to his true wife, And no more cross my from girl island long ny path should he remain, He shall but wait to meet her, for my words Already have been sent that he is here.The bird was like some sweet elusive thought The maid, a Sappho, weary with pursuit.There comes no premonition now to show to me What the long future has in store for us But from my door from girl island long ny I watch the sunset skies, And see blue mountains tower o'er golden plains, Clothed with pure beauty stretching far away.Far off, across the turbulence of waves, I seem to see a wife upon her knees, Her supplicating hands outstretched to one Who strikes her with coarse blows on cheek and breast.I hear them quickly screwing down the lid And from girl island long ny now the bearers take me from the house, And push me, feet first, in the black plumed hearse.An empty cage Stood in the vine clad cottage window near.The soldier, when he goes to meet the foe, May darkly understand from girl island long ny that death is near, Yet bravely marches on to destiny.How sweetly slept the king! His long white beard, And venerable face, were undisturbed By even the breezy motion of his breath.Hark! 'tis from girl island long ny night.Some gravel on the side is loose, and falls Battling upon the narrow coffin lid.To lie back then and die, Suffocating slowly while I tear my hair, Makes me most from girl island long ny wild to think of.
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