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' The argument, e.The book was presented by the Grand Jury of blackfeet indians art Middlesex, and was burnt by the hands of the hangman in Dublin by order of the Irish House of Commons.Then the various objections to Freethinking are considered, and the treatise ends with a list and description of wise and virtuous Freethinkers nineteen in number from Socrates to Tillotson.It is needless to blackfeet indians art quote the passages in which Shaftesbury, like the other Deists, abuses the Jews neither is it necessary to dwell upon his strange argument that ridicule is the best test of truth.Add to all this, that the Deists proper were constantly accused of holding views which they never held, and that conclusions were drawn from their premisses which those premisses did not warrant, and the difficulty of treating the subject as a whole will be readily perceived.It is our present purpose briefly to trace the progress blackfeet indians art and termination of this crisis.A few negative tenets were perhaps more or less common to all.The writers who are generally grouped under the name wrote apparently blackfeet indians art upon no preconcerted plan.But we look in vain for any common doctrine any common form of worship which belonged to the Deists as Deists.On the other hand, men were grouped under the category whose faith blackfeet indians art did not rise to the level of Deism.He then defines the functions of reason, and proceeds to controvert the two following positions, (1) that though reason and the Gospel are not in themselves contradictory, yet according to our conception of them they may seem directly to clash and (2) that we are to adore what we cannot comprehend.
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