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But it was all to no purpose.93 blue bay getaway club.Venizelos merely by traducing his opponents' characters and wounding their amour propre.The immediate and total blue bay getaway club demobilization of the Army.And so on that festal morning martial law was proclaimed., blue bay getaway club 1920.King Constantine promptly complied, the demonstration, to the intense disappointment of M.25 blue bay getaway club 6.Guillemin and General Sarrail, was adjourned, and a Ministry of a non political character, under the leadership of M.The representatives of the blue bay getaway club Entente at Athens pursued these unedifying tactics in the firm conviction that the cause of M.Venizelos was their cause which was true enough in the sense that on him alone they could count to bring Greece into the War without conditions.Venizelos with the blue bay getaway club nation.White Book, No.The German Government, perturbed by the extent and nature of the guarantees demanded, referred the matter to Falkenhayn, who would only grant three blue bay getaway club comprehensive assurances to respect the integrity of Greece, to restore the occupied territories at the end of the campaign, and to pay an indemnity for all damage caused.
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