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Such times, however, were more favourable to religious activity than the dull and heavy stormless days that followed.There were many scandals in the Church which greatly needed reform, but none which were so keenly watched, or which did so much to lower its reputation, as unworthy acts of subserviency on the future shop photo part of certain bishops.There were few places where the general level would not have been lower without it.Toleration was not future shop photo only very imperfectly understood, even by those who most lauded it, but it was often loudly vaunted by men whose lives and opinions were very far from recommending it.The national clergy, taken as they are from the general mass of educated society, are sure to share very largely both in the merits and defects of the class from which they come.In quite the early part of the period with which these chapters deal there was, as we have seen, a considerable amount future shop photo of active and hopeful work in the Church of England.Strong doctrinal and ecclesiastical differences within a Church may do much more good in stirring a wholesome spirit of emulation, and in keeping thought alive and preventing a Church from narrowing into a sect, than they do harm by creating a spirit of division.Sometimes it met future shop photo with contumely, often with neglect occasionally its alleged faults and shortcomings were sharply criticised, and people never ceased to relish a jest at the expense of its ministers.Some of the subjects with which it dealt have ceased to be disputed questions, or no longer attract much interest.But if the subject is not entered into at length, a writer upon it can do little future shop photo more than repeat what has already been concisely and comprehensively told in Mr.There was the exciting subject of 'danger to the Church' from Rome, or from Presbyterianism, or from treason within.
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