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) skirmish on, 312 Bartles, W.approved by Dole, 211, business address services footnote urges removal of refugees to Sac and Fox Agency, 212 visits refugee Cherokees on Neutral Lands, 213 details Harlan and Proctor to care for refugee Cherokees at Neosho, 214 drafts Osage treaty of cession, 229 suggests location for Indian colonization, 233 would reward Osage massacrers, 238, footnote prevails upon Jim Ned to stop jayhawking, 274, footnote Colbert, Holmes 207, footnote Colbert, Winchester 184, footnote Coleman, Isaac 209 Collamore, George W career, 87, footnote investigation into condition of refugees, 87, footnote Colorado Territory likely to be menaced by Southern Indians, 61 conditions in, 61, footnote recruiting officers massacred by Osages, 238, footnote political squabbles in, 249, footnote harassed by Indians of Plains, 320 made part of restored Department of Kansas, 321 Comanches Pike's negotiation with, 63, footnote, 65, footnote, 173, footnote peaceable and quiet, 112 this side of Staked Plains friendly, 153 Osages and, plunder Chickasaws, 207, footnote reported encamped at Big Bend, 274, footnote Confederates disposition to over estimate size of enemy, 30, footnote defeat at Pea Ridge decisive, 34 should concentrate on saving country east of Mississippi, 34 retreat from Pea Ridge, 35 possible to fraternize with Federals, 44 victorious at Drywood Creek, 51 52 in vicinity of Neosho, 127 no forces at hand to resist invasion of Indian Territory, 147 defeat at Locust Grove counted against Pike, 161 Cherokee country abandoned to, 193 in possession as far north as Moravian Mission, 194 victory at Newtonia, 194 195 and footnotes ill success on Cowskin River and at Shirley's Ford, 197 flee to Cantonment Davis, 198 officers massacred by Osages, 237 238, footnote grants to Indian Territory, 250 foraging and scouting occupy, 253 distributing relief to indigents, 258 Congress, Confederate authorizes Partisan Rangers, 112 Arkansas delegates testify to Van Dorn's aversion for Indians, 148, footnote act of regulating intercourse with Indians, 169 act for establishing Arkansas and Red River Superintendency, 177 178 concedes rights and privileges to Indian delegates, 299, footnote Congress, United States 71, 76, footnote, 86 and footnote, 99 circumstances of refugees well aired in, 209 gives president discretionary power for relief of refugees, 209 Osages memorialize for civil government, 229 and footnote act authorizing negotiations with Indian tribes, 231 decides to relieve Kansas of Indian encumbrance, 294 Connelley, William E work cited, 42 and footnotes on pages 51, 101, 205, 239 Conway, Martin F 72, footnote, 88, footnote, 107, footnote Cooley, D.The story of the Civil War (New York, 1913), part iii, books 1 and 2.Shelby business address services.Battles and leaders of the Civil War (New York, 1887), 4 vols.K business address services.War papers and personal recollections, 1861 1865, published by the Commandery of the State of Missouri.) meeting of Indian General Council at, 317 unfortunate delay of Scott in reaching, 320 Southern Indians renew pledge of loyalty to Confederate States at, 323 Army of Frontier under Blunt, 196 regiments of Indian Home Guards part of, 196 encamps on old battlefield of Pea Ridge, 197 gradual retrogression into Missouri, 219, footnote District of Kansas to be separated from, 248 Atchison and Pike's Peak Railway Company 230 Atrocities Pike charged with giving countenance to, 30 31, 31, footnote degree of Pike's responsibility for, 32 repudiated by Cherokee National Council, 32 33 become subject of correspondence between opposing generals, 33 charged against Indians at Battle of Wilson's Creek, 34, footnote forbidden by Van Dorn, 36 guerrilla, 44 influenced Halleck regarding use of Indian soldiers, 102 at Battle of Newtonia, 195 Blunts army accused of, 248, footnote Stand business address services Watie's men commit, 332 Badeau, Adam work cited, 96, footnote Baldwin, A.lxxxi, no.Marches of the business address services dragoons in the Mississippi Valley (Iowa City, 1917).S.Lane) business address services.Church and the rebellion (New York, 1864).
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