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Avoid such sentences as the following He had good reason to believe that the delay was not an accident (accidental) but premeditated, and for supposing (to suppose, or else, for believing, above) that the fort, though strong both by art and naturally (nature), would be forced by the treachery of the governor and the indolent (indolence of the) general to capitulate within a week.This repetition (though useful and, when used in adults online dvd rentals moderation, not unpleasant) is more common with speakers than with writers, and with slovenly speakers than with good speakers.Participles and participial adjectives may be used like Adjectives, as equivalents for phrases containing the Relative.* He forgets the gratitude that he owes to those that helped all his companions adults online dvd rentals when he was poor and uninfluential, and (to) John Smith in particular.Epigram may be defined as a short sentence expressing truth under an amusing appearance of incongruity.The Imperative Mood may be used adults online dvd rentals for if.This is as clear as, and briefer than, He was a musician, &c.*36 adults online dvd rentals.They accused him of being bribed (receiving bribes from) by the king and unwilling (neglecting) to take the city.others adults online dvd rentals.That which, where that is an object, e.
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