Dozer blade rake
A newspaper of the period, speaking of the fight says, Under God, our little party at the water side performed wonders for they soon made themselves masters of both the schooners, the cutter, the two barges, the boat, and every man in them, and all that pertained to them.This victory was no dozer blade rake mean achievement for the colonists.This time, however, the Englishman was a frigate, and the luckless Lexington was forced to surrender.Now, said he with dozer blade rake an oath, my boys, we will aim at the Presbyterian church.Nor were they content to rest with the capture of the schooner.The year following her dozer blade rake capture of the Edward, she was again off the capes of the Delaware, and again fell in with a British ship.Boat ahoy! he challenged.But as Mugford, at the head of the boarders, clambered over the taffrail, he heard the captain of the Hope order the dozer blade rake men to cut the topsail halliards and ties, with the intention of so crippling the ship that the British squadron might overhaul and recapture her.The stranger, however, had caught sight of the Hero and, a fresh southerly breeze springing up, she began to close with the American.Early in May, a merchant seaman named Mugford had succeeded, after great importunity, in dozer blade rake securing the command of the armed vessel Franklin, a small cruiser mounting only four guns.The roar of the cannon then mingled with the rattle of the musketry, the cries of the wounded, and the shouts and curses of the combatants, as the British strove to clamber up the sides of the Franklin.For a moment his men wavered at their guns but he called manfully to them, from where he lay, to fight on boldly for dozer blade rake the honor of the Yankee Hero.The Defence bore the brunt of the conflict, for the four schooners did not come to sufficiently close quarters to be of much assistance against the enemy.At Dartmouth a party of soldiers dozer blade rake captured a British armed brig.The first order looking toward the establishment of a national navy was given by Gen.
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