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Sometimes he lightened the pronunciation by metathesis, as he did when he pronounced interpretor as interpertor.Therefore the two ellipses card cheap place would not be coterminous.We can readily understand why that may have been the case.Probus, a card cheap place grammarian of the fourth century of our era, in what we might call a Guide to Good Usage or One Hundred Words Mispronounced, warns his readers against masclus and anglus for masculus and angulus.In this brief chapter we cannot attempt to go into details, and in speaking of the morphology of vulgar Latin we must content ourselves with sketching its general characteristics and tendencies, as we have done in the case of its phonology.But in speaking he is not card cheap place under this constraint.Now, literary and colloquial Latin were probably drawn farther apart than the two corresponding forms of speech in English, because Latin writers tried to make the literary tongue as much like Greek in its form as possible, so that literary Latin would naturally have diverged more rapidly and more widely from conversational Latin than formal English has drawn away from colloquial English.In the original speech of card cheap place the people, preliterary Latin (the prisca Latinitas), is to be found the origin of both they were twin brothers.This tendency was held in check, as we have just observed, so far as verb forms were concerned, but in the comparison of adjectives and in the use of the cases it steadily made headway, and ultimately triumphed over the synthetical principle.The careless Roman was inclined to say, for instance, magna pars card cheap place de exercitu, rather than to use the genitive case of the word for army, magna pars exercitus.Similarly a careful distinction between the diction of prose and verse was gradually obliterated.In formal Latin we notice the same objection to Greco Latin words, and yet in Plautus, card cheap place and in other colloquial writers, such compounds are freely used for comic effect.
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