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In this dispatch they said You may allow the Swedes to hold the land on which fort Christina is built, with a garden to cultivate the tobacco, because it appears that they made this purchase with the previous consent of the Company, provided said Swedes will conduct themselves as good subjects of our government.As soon as it was light buyer first home illinois time the passengers and crew succeeded in reaching the shore in their boats through the breakers and through vast masses of floating ice.But the Indians were becoming daily more inimical, and the alarmed colonists wrote to Govern or Stuyvesant, saying, We pray you to send forty or fifty soldiers to save Esopus, which, if well settled, might supply the whole of New Netherland with provisions.' He was then led anew before the director general, who ordered him to work, buyer first home illinois time otherwise he should be whipt every day.We entered into no obligation to defray your expenses or those of your unusual suite.The colonists objected that it would be buyer first home illinois time very difficult to remove from their farms, while their crops were ungathered, and that it would be impossible to select a site for the village which would please all.The house and outbuildings of another were burned.No one dared to venture to any distance buyer first home illinois time from the fort.Some sails were brought on shore, with which a temporary shelter from the piercing blast was constructed, and enough food was secured to save from absolute starvation.Not satisfied, buyer first home illinois time writes O'Callaghan, his persecutors had him lifted up.On the contrary they promised to withdraw before night, to Nutten Island, as Governor's island was then called.The danger from fire was very buyer first home illinois time great.The fleet anchored at the mouth of the Brandywine, and invested the fort on all sides.
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